
Andre Barion

Andre Barion, 1996, born in São Paulo, is a graduate in Visual Arts from the São Paulo State University (UNESP). His research involves sculptural objects, videos, installations, and paintings constructed by sewing textures of mixed fabrics, reexamining the relationships between the object and the viewer, resulting in a kind of theatricality in installations. His recent interest in tapestry has led his art in a direction where it engages with fetishism, desire, and seduction through the concreteness of the artistic object. The manipulation of materials, sometimes noble and sometimes humble, is a characteristic of his tapestries, installations, videos, and digital projects.
NONADA SSA • Popcorn01/18/24 to 04/13/24
NONADA ZN • Primordial Chaos12/09/24 - 04/06/24
NONADA ZS • Flourishes11/18/23 - 01/17/24
NONADA ZS • Fetish: Portrait03/18 - 04/08/23
NONADA ZN • The Word: verse / The Word: prose11/19/22 - 03/04/23