
Ana Matheus Abbade

Ana Matheus Abbade (São Gonçalo, RJ, 1996) is an artist and manicurist raised in Manilha, Itaboraí/RJ. Her work spans installation, video, writing, photography, drawings, and paintings. In the series Mulher de Pedra ("Woman of Stone"), she has also investigated biochemical materialities and substances, combining alcohol, testosterone blockers, and violet dye on textiles from different origins. In 2019, she received an Honorable Mention in the III Reynaldo Roels Jr. Award (School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro), and in 2024, she was awarded the Recepção 397 prize (Ateliê 397 and PROAC/SP). She held a solo exhibition titled Lastros são atos desatados, iminentes como a força entre o derramamento e o transborde ("Traces are Untied Acts, Imminent Like the Force Between Spill and Overflow") at Ateliê 397, São Paulo, in 2024, curated by Caio Bonifácio. Since 2016, she has participated in national and international group exhibitions, including Brotar no Vazio, Atmosférico Breu ("Sprouting in the Void, Atmospheric Darkness") at Galeria Nonada, Rio de Janeiro, 2024, curated by Clarissa Diniz; Emoção de Lidar ("The Emotion of Handling") at Quadra Galeria, São Paulo, 2023, curated by Clarissa Diniz; Começo de século ("Beginning of the Century") at Galeria Jaqueline Martins, São Paulo, 2019, curated by Germano Dushá; Corpo Aberto – Um Arquivo de Sentimentos ("Open Body – An Archive of Feelings") at Emergency Art Space, Vevey (Switzerland), 2019, curated by Léa Meier and Valentina D'Avenia; and Somos mais de mil ("We Are More Than a Thousand") at the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, 2016, curated by Marta Mestre. She taught drawing in the REFÚGIO/EXPRESSO project at ASP (São Paulo, 2023) and co-founded Casa Chama (São Paulo), where she served as communication and project coordinator from 2018 to 2022. Trained in Manicure and Pedicure at SENAC, she has been developing the projects Surra de Unha and Manicure Show since 2016, which have been presented in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Lausanne (Switzerland).
NONADA SP • Diadorim06/22 - 08/31/24
NONADA ZS • Sprout in the void, atmospheric darkness06/08 - 08/17/24
NONADA ZN • Primordial Chaos12/09/24 - 04/06/24