
Marlon Amaro

Marlon Amaro (1987, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro) lives and works in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Marlon Amaro's practice focuses on highlighting social patterns and daily attitudes that perpetuate racism through personal experiences and everyday iconographic research. With a strong influence from historical painting, he constructs scenes that function as visual traps by playing with the contradiction of his characters and the strong chromatic appeal in relation to the socio-political content brought by the artist, with painting being his main vehicle of expression. Marlon is graduating in Painting at the School of Fine Arts of Rio de Janeiro. He also studied for a year at the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage. His recent exhibitions include: "From flight to nostrils breathing, wide arms, messages to the wind" at HOA gallery, São Paulo (2023); "Future Brazil: the forms of democracy" at the National Museum of the Republic, Brasília (2023); and "Invincible November" at the UFF Arts Center, Niterói, RJ (2022).
NONADA ZN • Maralto16/03 - 18/05/24