

Bertô (1992, São Paulo) lives in Guarulhos. The artist and filmmaker investigates decolonial theologies, mainly black theology and African theology, and from these perspectives, uses abstraction, landscape, and conceptualism to reimagine the biblical imagery constructed by Europe. He graduated in Fine Arts from Panamericana, Film Direction from the International Academy of Cinema, and Social Communication from Cásper Líbero College. He also attended the Entropic School at the Tomie Ohtake Institute and was an assistant to the artist Rodrigo Cass. He held his first international solo exhibition, “Les douze petits prophètes,” at Stems Gallery in Paris (2023). In addition, he had two solo exhibitions at HOA Gallery in São Paulo: “Quando alguém constrói um muro logo se preocupa em passar cal” (2021) and “Ouro, Prata e Bronze [...]” (2023). He participated in group exhibitions such as: “RAW!”, Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel + HOA (São Paulo); “Possible Agreement”, Mendes Wood (Brussels); “Water Marks: We Must Remember”, Cromwell Place (London); “Pequenas Pinturas”, Auroras (São Paulo); and “Dizer Não”, Ateliê 397 (São Paulo).